Thursday, June 12, 2008

Its Been A While

It has been a while since I've last posted on my blog. I'm sorry to keep you all in suspense. The NBA Finals are airing and I enjoy watching it not only as entertainment, but as a player, considering I've been playing basketball for the past two years. I really want to try to learn some of the strategies and techniques. As for who I want to win, I like both teams, but more importantly I want the team that plays the hardest to win. I also realize there is some World cup soccer qualifier games going on right now. Here is a game on the internet, you can play for free, its called Euro Cup Soccer 2008. I really stink at this game, so I kept taking really long shots, and I amazed my self and made a full court goal, it was pretty insane. Anyways here's the link to the game,
As for my media reccomendation, I like the TV Series Planet of the Apes from 1974. because I think warfare between humans and monkeys are interesting and there's good twists in the episodes. Its pretty clean too, its got violence and trickery, but it has no sex or cussing. Here's a link to buy the DVD's.

this is PB-32, signing off
P.S. [Feel free to tell your friends about my blog whether they're a guy or a girl


Tyler said...

Great update Paul! I was at a family party tonight and Elea's brother was excited about the Lakers playing. He really wants them to win. A lot of people like rooting for the underdogs though so many people are becoming Boston fans just for this series it seems.

Thanks for the info and enthusiasm.


Master Casual said...

Good post buddy!

See ya around!


Allie said...

JUNE 12, 2008?????????
wow. kinda a longish time a go:P