Saturday, May 2, 2009

God is Awesome

Hey People

I finished my song; "Garage Church" I'll post the lyrics on my next post to see what y'all think of it. Here's the big thing. I wrote the following on April 30. A couple of months ago I had prayed that God would show me a sign so I'd know He was there. Last night, Wednesday, April 29, 2009; I had a dream that I was just sitting on my bed and there came in my room furiously and violently a demon possessed person and through God I cast the demon out of the person. Then, there was a bunch of black smoke and the person fell on the floor unconscious. Next, another demon possessed person came in the same way and through God, I had cast out another demon and the person fell unconscious on the floor again. Finally, I went to the floor and shook the people on the floor to see if they were still alive and I woke up. end I think that this was a vision from God.

Paul; now a.k.a. Tink

1 comment:

Master Casual said...

Wow...Interesting. What does it mean?